Sunday, May 5, 2013

Happy Star Wars Day!

May the Fourth be with you. Always.

Actually, it's May 6th, but oh well.

Hi, everyone! It's monday again, and this week is Transfers week! The only difference about this transfers week is that no one knows who's being transferred. President Lindsay decided to tell us Tomorrow, instead. So... We're all in the dark. I expect I'll still be with Elder Moore. This is his last transfer, so he probably won't be going to a new area for just 6 weeks.

So Elder Moore and I have been having an up-and-down week. We've gotten a couple of referrals, that's up. We also found out that Teak (not Tico, actually) lives in Baldivis, which is our Zone Leader's area. So that was disappointing. But hey, we're all on the same team! Elder Gardner and Elder Jordan, the zone leaders, are great missionaries, and I'm sure they'll be great for Teak as well.

We've been working with the Ward Mission Leader, Brother Cotterell, and we've gotten some new events organised! This next Saturday, we'll be having our first Cottage Evening (Members and nonmembers get together for some food, games, and a short spiritual message. Casual, friendly fun.) Also, this past Friday, they began a sports night! (Everyone's invited to gather at the chapel and play basketball, volleyball, ping-pong, etc.) These are some ways to help the members invite their friends along, and meet people from the church. We're hoping that as soon as it gets announced, then more people will come, this week we didn't have anybody turn up for it. Oops.

We had a cool finding experience, too! Two, actually. One, there is a former investigator named Joey, that we'd been trying to get ahold of. Missionaries hadn't seen him in a couple of years. We finally caught him at home, and he was super friendly! He invited us in, and told us that in the past couple of years, he still had his Book of Mormon, had read through it twice, and had been really trying to cut down on smoking and had quit drinking as well. In the past he was really impressed from the Plan of Salvation, and the fact that we can be together as families for eternity. I think he still wants that. He asked us if we could come by every couple of days again to talk with him more. Why, sure! He seems like a golden investigator!

The other one- We were meeting with a less-active member, when a lady walked up to us. We know her, she's not interested, but very friendly and social with us. She told us that she was at a friend's house, and was talking with him, and he mentioned some things that made her realise that he's a member! We asked her more about it, and sure enough, we knew who he was! We didn't know where he was until now. Cool! It's actually quite funny, this lady isn't a member, but she's been a help with us finding some other members as well.

Rocky East had their baptism on Saturday! The person being baptised was married just prior, so it was a very special experience for them. It was apparent to everyone there, and at the confirmation as well, that this was a life-changing event for them.

Heh, while the missionaries were in the chapel, Elder Moore and I were waiting outside setting up chairs. Suddenly Elder Moore noticed water creeping under the door to the restroom. The font hadn't been turned off all the way! I raced outside to open the drain while he ran to the water faucets. It turned out all right, and we got most of it mopped up beforehand. Heh.

So, fun week!

I'm excited for next Monday! (It's Mothers Day.)

Love you all!

Elder Reeder

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