Friday, August 10, 2012

Once there was a snowball

Hi, all!

So apparently in parts of Perth, it actually frosted over last week! Some other missionaries managed to make a single snowball out of the frost on their car.

How cool is this? We have 4 new investigators. Yes. 4! Sister Hembrow is an awesome missionary. Remember that lady from Fiji I mentioned last week? Her name is Tagate, (pronounced "tahng-ah-tay"), and she is from Kirribus. She has 3 children, Daniel, Leon, and Alisha. They are all Totally eager to learn about the gospel, and come to church, and everything! Elder Iumalo and I will be going over tonight to teach them again :D Tagate is so funny, she has pretty much adopted sister hembrow as her daughter. And she'll threaten to "get the stick" when someone doesn't do something right. She loves being with the missionaries, she says that she doesn't feel worried or as stressed when she's around us. The spirit is a wonderful thing.

So, interesting experience. Elder Iumalo, the armadale elders, Daniel Luland, and I went to do some service for a lady on Saturday. We were cleaning up her yard, clearing away the weeds, debris, etc. Did you know that Palm Trees have really spiky bits at the base of the leaves? They do. So we had to be careful. One of the leaves I picked up slipped, and jammed right into my finger. And broke off. Today is Monday, I still have that thing stuck in my finger. Last night sister Hembrow (who is a nurse) tried to get it out. After an incredibly painful 20 minutes, she put some stuff on it that would help work it out, bandaged it up, and told me it would be out tomorrow. Oww... It's in really Deep.

So how's the Olympics going? All I know is that the Queen jumped out of a helicopter with James Bond, and that Australia has 1 gold. :D We might be organizing a sports night, and inviting people to come and play rugby. Members could invite their friends, and get to know the missionaries, ask questions, etc. And play rugby (which everyone likes. Or AFL.)

Happy Birthday, Dad! And Happy Birthday to mom, on the 9th! Did you do a nice barbecue? In the summer evening? Was it good weather? Did it rain? I wish I could've been there for that Pie you made, it sounds delicious. If it didn't rain, I think it came here instead. We got DRENCHED. Again. We had to wring out our socks every so often, it was that wet. I loved it.

So that's pretty much my week! We had a Lot of biking involved. Lucky for us, it's a flat area ;) Hope you're all having a great week as well!

Love, Elder Reeder

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