Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Australia's built on Sand.

And the rains came tumbling down, and the floods came up, and apparently tornadoes are mentioned in that song, Somewhere, because there was a tornado in Morley (way north). But seriously, IT RAINED. Did I ever tell you all that it rains here during winter? Holy Cow, we're all still amazed at this rain. Thursday, especially. Elder Kerr and I had the car, lucky us. But we actually had to pull over, because it was Impossible to see anything. And lightning. And then suddenly, BAM, clear skies. Our minds were blown. And then it rained some more. The power skipped a couple of times, and a bus station seems to have gone missing (but that probably happens all the time ;) )

So yeah, it's been an interesting week! And overall, pretty fun. David, a long-time investigator, is totally a member of the church now, except for the baptism part. He wants to bear his testimony this fast sunday. Cool! And he has a friend in the same housing complex named Ian. Ian was given a book of mormon 10 years ago while on a train. He has just started reading it, and has a lot of questions for us. So we may have a new investigator :)

Sunday was pretty incredible too. We had Zach Jenner and Tautiana Hunia at sacrament meeting, which is great in itself, but then David showed up, and a man named Joshua too! Joshua has been investigating the church for quite a while too, but we haven't been able to see him much because of work schedules. But Joshua really wants to become a member of the church. He really enjoys the fellowship and support from other members. The only thing is, he doesn't want to be baptised yet, until he feels that he's ready to make that commitment. So we're going to try and figure things out with the bishop with him.

It's Transfers week! I'm staying here. Elders Evans and Miller are staying in Armadale. Elder Kerr is being transferred to Kalgoorlie! Waaaay out in the middle of Nowhere. My new companion will be Elder Nauro, and he will be the district leader here. Elder Nauro is from Guam, and has been on his mission for a little over a year. He's a great missionary (from what I hear), and was Elder Evans' previous companion. He likes Rice?

Just to clarify last week's email, a "Kiwi" is what aussies call people from New Zealand. A "Kiwifruit" is the little green thing. It's not derogatory or anything.

Saturday night, we decided that Westfield Road is the safest road in the whole world. (And by that I am in every way being sarcastic.) A car drove by our little complex doing about 130 km/h. And then 2 police cars, lights flashing. And then a couple choppers began circling nearby, with a searchlight. More sirens. Miscellaneous screaming. It continued from about 9-11PM. Wooo!

You know there's problems when you have a DRIVE-THRU liquor shop across the street, right next to the tavern. :D Don't worry, Grandma Roberts, we're being safe.

All right! That's my week! How's yours been? Good luck with your tests, Scott, and everyone have fun in Oregon, at Girls Camp, in Alaska, and all those other fun places! Apparently it got to 98F in Utah? Wow. Here, right now, it's getting to about... uh... 23C... No idea what that is in Fahrenheit. But it's nice and cool.

Love you all!

Elder Reeder

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