Wednesday, May 2, 2012

The Things They Say

Hi there, it's me again!

Remember that time when I told you all that it only rains like 1x a year here? And the rest of the year is pretty much dry? Remember that? Forget I ever mentioned that.

IT POURS. AND POURS. And I found out that my rainjacket is water Resistant. Woohoo. But it was so awesome! We were about 2-3 k's from our flat, and it began to drizzle. Ok, jackets on. We biked a bit to another house (no one home.) It began to rain harder. Ok, this is interesting. Bike a bit more. And then. AND THEN. It really starts. (To experience what this was like, go outside to your nearest garden sprinker, turn on, and aim at your face. That's what it was like.) Incredible. And we still had about 1 k to go. So yeah, awesome.

This week we had some really cool successes! Daniel, the less-active member, has been coming to church the past 2 weeks, and he just got in to see the bishop, get ready to go to the temple, etc! Seriously, he's awesome. He can't wait. Haha, side story, he was joking about how he looks good at the gym, for girls, and Elder Kerr told him ok, so today's lesson is on Humility (haha, funny). Daniel said "Oh, well doesn't it say in the scriptures to Love thy neighbor as thyself? So I have to love myself first!" We had a short break to stop laughing. Heheh.

Also, we tracted into a guy named Ross, who has been baptist since he was married. He was really interested right at the door, and said he'd like to come to church this sunday. Sweet! We didn't see him at the church sunday, but we're going to go by again this week.

In other investigating news, you know you're in australia when an investigator can't come to the door because they're too hung over. Yeeahhh... Also, ANZAC day saw a lot of broken bottles on the sidewalks. And, for some reason, melons. We spent that day doing service for an older couple, digging a giant hole for them, where they're rebuilding their koi pond. Actually, they're a cool couple. They are catholic, and her mother is in our ward. They lived in Colorado for three years, and spent most of that time exploring church history sites, like Martin's Cove, Temple Square, etc. They've been taught the lessons before. Woot!

Today marks the beginning of a new transfer! (Transfers are 6 weeks long) I'm with Elder Kerr for at least another 6 weeks, until my training's finished. Elder Kerr, however, is now the district leader! Wow. As well as this being a new transfer, we are FINALLY moving house! The flat we've been staying in this whole transfer is not in our area, and technically belongs to another companionship. They've been staying with the zone leaders. But the church finally found us a new flat in our area and we're moving into it on Wednesday. So we've been cleaning it up, getting ready, etc. The new one is in an interesting area. Supposedly more rough than where we are right now. And it looks old, too. Hmm. Crossing our fingers!

So there are a lot of phrases I've noticed around here that you wouldn't hear anywhere else (unless the people here are there...) For instance, the word Fillet. Pronounced Fill-et, not Fillay. Or Sachet. Pronounced Sashay. What?? Also, an SUV is called a Ute. (No dad, basketball is not that big here.) Or, when you think something is , you say it's -as. "Man, that car is Sweet as." "My chicken is tasty as!" "Darn, the bike tires are Flat As!" And so on and so forth. Cool as.

So, uh, yeah! Have a good week, and I'll see you next monday!

Love, Elder Reeder

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