Sunday, July 28, 2013

Everywhere at Once


Sorry, that's what's going on in my head right now, because today, a lot of things are happening at once.

So Elder Fowdy and I have been spending this past week up here in Noranda! Basically, we've been temporary caretakers of the area, because the previous missionaries here went home a bit early. It's been an interesting experience. Unfortunately, the flat and area book weren't left in Stellar condition... (couldn't Find the area book at first.) So it's been quite the adventure picking up the pieces. Zone meeting was fun. Nobody seems to know what's been happening in regards to these shifts.

Also of news this week is that we had interviews from our mission President. President Lindsay missed us down in Bunbury, due to our early departure, but he came by our flat Friday night to interview me and Elder Fowdy. I like having interviews with President. He's really trying hard to help every missionary in WA, and trying to make this mission better than ever.

Sunday, at church, a lady comes up to me: "Are you from Logan, UT?" No, but nearish. "Well, you're related to me!" Oh! Are you related to Brother Hancey?(Another member in Perth) Turns out they're cousins. So I've yet to work this out, (but this wonderful lady is going to bring a copy of her family history chart), but guess what, Reeders? We've got aussies in our family! At least I hope so. That would be Epic.

Elder Fowdy and I spent Sunday night with the Ellenbrook elders. Nobody knows when transfer calls is supposed to happen, because it keeps changing. So suddenly people start getting calls this morning. I've yet to receive any word on what's happening. All we know is that we'll in all probability be going somewhere else. In the meantime, I log in to email today and the whole world appears to have emailed me. Or family, at least. I love my family :)

So that's the story this week. In weather news, this week has been incredibly rainy.

Hopefully we'll find out what's going on soon and we'll be able to get back into the swing of things!

I love you all, and hope you're having a good week. Thanks for your thoughts and prayers :)

Elder Reeder

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